The Marching Knights performed its field show, inspired by the Ninja tradition of ancient Japan, at halftime of the home opener for the Football Knights.
Marching Knights News
The Marching Knights have been busy learning the new field show for the 2011-2012 marching season. The show is entitled “Katana” and is inspired by the ninja tradition of ancient Japan. The band is directed by Chris Kaatz, the drumline is directed by Paul Josias, and the color guard is directed by Jen Owens.
Besides performing at the home football games, the Marching Knights will compete in four competitions: the Metro East Marching Classic in O’Fallon, Illinois, on September 10; the Drums at Appletime Field Show and Parade Competition in Murphysboro, Illinois, on
September 17; the Preview of Champions at McKendree University on October 8; Greater
St. Louis Marching Festival in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 22 (tentative).
The Marching Knights will participate in a number of parades this marching season: the Parade Competition at the Drums at Appletime Festival in Murphysboro on September 17; the MD Homecoming Parade on September 28; the Clinton County Veteran’s Day Parade on November 11; the Thanksgiving Parade in St. Louis on November 24, and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in St. Louis in 2012.