Keeping with tradition at Mater Dei, the start of the 2016-2017 school year includes the construction of a new home through our Building Trades program. This year, however, the students have been provided two unique opportunities: to construct an ICF (insulated concrete form) home and to obtain OSHA Certification in Safety Awareness.
Under the direction of ICF contractor James Otten of Otten Contracting and contractor Al Faust of Alberternst Construction, the students will gain valuable experience and knowledge in the differences in ICF construction and wood construction.
In addition, through the generosity of Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc., specifically Vice President Gregg Korte and Safety Director Bill Blechinger, our Building Trades students completed a 10-hour course from which they earned a safety certification card from the Department of Labor. The course included topics such as fall protection, personal protection equipment, and electrical and chemical hazards. Mr. Blechinger, who has earned national recognition for his extensive knowledge and wealth of experience, donated his time to teach the course, free of charge. Mr. Korte paid the fees to the Department of Labor for the students’ OSHA Certification. Mater Dei is blessed to have received this level of support from Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc. for the benefit of our students!