Congratulations to theology teacher Mrs. Judy Kampwerth, our Disciple of the Week for the week of February 26! In her nomination, Mrs. Celia Kannall stated, “Judy wears many hats at Mater Dei. Organizing and leading department meetings, ensuring compliance with the USCCB guidelines, scheduling and organizing Masses and Services, providing in-house classes to faculty for catechist certification, and training and overseeing our Youth Faith Formation students who are then sent into the communities to teach religion in the grade schools are just a few of the many tasks she performs. As the theology department chair, she gives helpful tips and advice, passes on many fresh ideas that she comes across, and leads by example. Judy is very easy to approach and responds to queries with a wisdom born of experience and a deep faith. Students, faculty, and staff have all found themselves on the receiving end of her generous and empathetic nature. I have personally been blessed having her as department chair and mentor and am very happy to nominate her for Disciple of the Week.”