Members of the Class of 2018 were recognized for their academic achievements at the Senior-Parent Banquet held Thursday, May 24. We congratulate the award winners, as well as their families, on their accomplishments! (photos courtesy of Unforgettable Photography by Anna)
Art Awards: Art Department Chair Mrs. Vicki Moylan; Christina Mioux (Ceramics); Kinsey Stockmann and Alexa Hoelscher (Advanced Drawing & Design); Raphadson (Hong) Saraputtised (Drawing & Design); and Nawarat (Nok) Perawattanasakul (Ceramics). Kendall Bowmann (Drawing & Design) was unavailable.
Business Education Awards: Business Education teacher Mrs. Heather Land; Hannah Timmermann (Marketing, Small Business Management, and Business Law); Kyle Renschen (Web Page Design); Malina Isaak and Lauren Kampwerth (Advanced Computer Applications); Lauren Fields (Accounting); Quinn Cutler (Marketing, Small Business Management, Business Law, and Accounting); and Business Education Department Chair Mr. Dave Kohnen. Seth Huelsmann (CISCO Networking) was unavailable.
English Awards: English Department Chair Mrs. Pam Zurliene; Hannah Timmermann and Ben Logullo (English Composition 101 and 102); and Raphadson (Hong) Saraputtised (English Literature). Jaden Meadows (English Composition 101 and 102) was unavailable.
Industrial Education Awards: Industrial Education Department Chair Mr. Tom Hustedde; Alex Vogelbacher (Building Trades); Jordan Vonder Haar (Building Trades and Shop I); Phillip Loepker (Shop II); and Mitchell Hamilton (Shop I). Chris Boeser (Building Trades and Shop I) and Chris Hilmes (Building Trades) were unavailable.
Math Awards: Math Department Chair Ms. Cheryl Sackett; Drew Pollmann (Statistics); Phillip Loepker (Finite Math); Pui Hang Banco Lo (Finite Math, Introduction to Trigonometry, and Statistics); Quinn Cutler (Finite Math); Riley Kuhl (Finite Math and Statistics); Raphadson (Hong) Saraputtised (Finite Math); Amber Jo Hallemann (Statistics); Zach Sorgea (Pre-Calculus); Mai Thi Huyen Khuc, Ben Logullo, and Rachell Maue (Calculus); and Audra Beckemeyer (Statistics).
Science Awards: Science Department Chair Mr. Marvin Eversgerd; Rachell Maue (Anatomy & Physiology); Chih-Yu (Kelly) Yeh and Hannah Timmermann (Physics Honors); Allison Beckmann (Chemistry II); Grace Fuehne (Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry II); Ben Logullo (Chemistry II and Physics Honors); Zach Sorgea (Chemistry II); and Mai Thi Huyen Khuc and Mitchell Hamilton (Physics Honors).
Social Studies Awards: Social Studies Department Chair Mr. Gary Pollmann; John Hund (Sociology); Ben Logullo (Psychology 101); Clarissa Pavao (Global Studies); and Alexa Hoelscher (Psychology 101). Jaden Meadows (Psychology 101) and Kendall Bowman and Nick Toennies (Sociology) were unavailable.
Spanish Awards: Spanish teacher Mrs. Amparo Wolden; Riley Kuhl, Rachell Maue, and AJ Albers (Spanish V); and Erika Ortiz, Ben Logullo, and Grace Fuehne (Spanish IV).