With 860 tickets sold, the 2020 Mega Raffle was a record-breaking success! We congratulate the winners, and we thank both those who sold tickets and those who purchased tickets.
$10,000 Curt and Jason Strieker, Breese
$2,500 Jeanette Loepker, Bartelso
$2,500 Randy and Peggy Gebke, Bartelso
$1,000 Connie Tebbe, Breese
$1,000 Jan Deiters, Breese
$1,000 Todd Luitjohan, Highland
$100 Dustin Kehrer, New Baden
$100 Melanie Robben and Nolan Robben, Aviston
$100 Mary and Matt Rakers, Aviston
$100 Florence Hertenstein, New Baden
$100 Tom Mensing, Breese
$100 Steve Klostermann, Breese
$100 Bob and Robin Fix, Breese
$100 Angie Holbrook, Glen Carbon
$100 Andrew Kampwerth, Aviston
$100 Steve Theising, Germantown
$100 Dolores Gerdes, Bartelso
$100 Ted Voss, Breese
$100 Dale Timmermann, St. Rose
$100 Ralph Wolters, Albers
$100 George and Phyllis Marron, Highland
$100 Mary Santel and Eileen Ratermann, Damiansville
$100 Amy Brandt, Centralia
$100 Bill Fiedler, Millstadt
$100 Chad Holthaus, Carlyle
$100 Ken and Terri Loepker, Bartelso