We offer our sincere gratitude to the 305 golfers who participated in the 2020 Mater Dei Golf Classic, as well as the many donors and volunteers, for the success of the event is a direct result of their dedication to Mater Dei!
In addition to the winning golf teams pictured below, the special events winners are as follows: Severin Loepker, longest drive for men (hole #3); Gina Haar, longest putt for women (hole #5); Kelly Moss, longest drive for women (hole #7); Nathan Kreke, closest to the pin (hole #9); Dominic Gregov, longest putt for men (hole #10); Brad Hummert, closest to the pin (hole #14). The skins winners ($720 each team) were as follows: with an eagle on hole #1, the team including Steve Fuhler, John Fuhler, Roger Young, Jackie Fuhler, Phyllis Koopmann, and Lisa Young; and with an eagle on hole #8, the team including Andrew Kampwerth, Taylor Beckmann, Cody Imming, Brandon Koelz, Bryant Holtmann, and Zack Boeckmann.
The 2020 Mater Dei Golf Classic grand champion team, who won with a score of 47, included (from left) Grant Goebel, Nate Rivera, Alden Moss, Blake Kloeckner, Ian Berndsen, and Carter Goebel. This team also won the 2019 IHSA Class 1A State Championship.
The 2020 Mater Dei Golf Classic B flight first place team included (from left) Jeff Kohlbrecher, Jack Ratermann, Mike Schlarmann, Travis Lewis, Tim Schwierjohn, and John Galle.
The 2020 Mater Dei Golf Classic C flight first place team included (from left) Charlie Hilmes, Gary Kirby, Bob Strieker, Dennis Trame, Travis Gebke, and Brian Perkes.
The 2020 Mater Dei Golf Classic couples flight first place team included (from left) Kyle Behrmann, Kammi Winkeler, Amanda Stratmann, Matt Stratmann, Kendra Blaha, and Deric Blaha.