Join us in congratulating our newly elected 2020-2021 Student Council representatives for the senior, junior, and sophomore classes! We appreciate their dedication to serving our student body in this leadership role!
senior representatives Elizabeth Beckmann (historian), Abby Brandt, Spencer Gramann , Audrey Lampe, Sarah Lipski (vice president), AJ Mueth (historian), Jordyn Muscarello (historian), Morgan Oertel (president), Sophia Sabo (recording secretary), Klara Schildroth, Allison VonderHaar (corresponding secretary), and Olyvia Wilken
junior representatives Sierra Brinker, Sophie Hustedde (treasurer), Ella Palm, Reagan Rickhoff, and Lindsey Richter
sophomore representatives Olivia Ethridge, Carmen Foppe, Owen Huelsmann, Marley Jansen, Alivia Lampe, Benjamin Miller, Ellen Nuxoll, and Kayla Zurliene
* freshman representatives are elected after the first quarter
Newly elected senior Student Council representatives for the 2020-2021 school year are (front, from left) Morgan Oertel, Klara Schildroth; (middle, from left) Audrey Lampe, Allison Vonder Haar, Olyvia Wilken, Sophia Sabo, Elizabeth Beckmann, Abby Brandt, Sarah Lipski; (back, from left) AJ Mueth, Jordyn Muscarello, and Spencer Gramann.
Newly elected junior Student Council representatives for the 2020-2021 school year are (from left) Sierra Brinker, Sophie Hustedde, Reagan Rickhoff, Lyndsey Richter, and Ella Palm.
Newly elected sophomore Student Council representatives for the 2020-2021 are (front, from left) Owen Huelsmann, Carmen Foppe, Kayla Zurliene, Marley Jansen, Olivia Ethridge, Alivia Lampe; (back, from left) Ben Miller and Ellen Nuxoll.