Eucharistic Ministers Trained
MD faculty member, Mrs. Judy Kampwerth, is certified to conduct Eucharistic minister training and offered the training to seniors at Mater Dei. On August 29 and 30, fifty-four seniors, from thirteen different parishes, completed the training and are now able to participate in their home parishes and at school masses as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion. The training material used was Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, set by the Diocese of Belleville.
Completing the Eucharist Minister training were Teresa Schomaker and Travis Wellen from St. Bernard parish; Alison Kalmer from St. Damian parish; Alyssa Faust, Beth Feldmann, Dillon Huegen, Trent Isaak, Nathan Kampwerth, Lydia Kuhl, Kayla Litteken, Larissa Maue, Jessica Olliges, Allison Pingsterhaus, Melanie Robben, Rachel Robben, Laura Schlueter, and Kassidi Thomas from St. Francis parish; Nicole Ripperda from St. Anthony parish; Blake Huelskamp and Justine Berndsen from St. Augustine parish; Alex Toennies, Alex Vandeloo, and Lindsay Winkeler from St. Cecilia parish; Dominic Antonacci, Adam Cowgill, Robbie Donnewald, Kayla Hitpas, Joseph Kasson, Sarah Kennedy, Austin Kuhl, Mallory Mensing, Sarah Pollmann, Cody Ratermann, Alexis Schleper, Alisha Timmermann, Ellen Toennies, Abby Usselmann, and Kristen Wiegmann from St. Dominic parish; Alyssa Hitpas and Casey Huegen, Mary Helen Otrembiak, Haley Schroeder, Brooke Schulte, and Jacob Theising from St. Boniface parish; John Hemann and Parker Lawrence from St. Paul parish; Patrick Hill from St. Joseph parish; Brandon Kauling, Elizabeth Kunkel, and Alexis Zachry from St. Mary-Carlyle parish; Lauren Dowd, Drew Dumstorff, and Lauren Haukapp from St. Mary-Trenton parish; Ashley Henrichs from St. Rose parish.