The Mater Dei administration is proud to announce that the following seniors have been named as Illinois State Scholars: Jonathan Ang, Dominic Antonacci, Kevin Garber, Mackenzie Gerling, Jaime Haake, Emily Hellmann, Alyssa Hitpas, Kayla Hitpas, Corinne Holtmann, Trent Isaak, Joseph Kasson, Tad Logullo, Ellen Maue, Larisa Maue, Mallory Mensing, Cody... Read More
On December 12, Fr. Vince Haselhorst visited Mater Dei to say the Mass in Spanish to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mrs. Bodinet’s Spanish I class, Mr. McNamara’s Spanish II class, and Mr. Wescovich’s Religion III class attended the Mass during period 4/5. Sophomore Hayley Heimann read... Read More
Friday, November 4, at 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 5, at 7:00 pm
Sunday, November 6, at 2:00 pm
Preparations are being made for the Mater Dei Open House to be held on Sunday, November 6, 2011, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Prospective students and their parents are encouraged to attend. In addition to receiving a wealth of information regarding the academic, extracurricular, and spiritual programs, guests will... Read More
Since the beginning of the school year the Mater Dei Building Trades class has been busy working on the new home construction south of Mater Dei, including the foundation, the floor joists, and most recently the rafters.