Congratulations to Campus Minister Ms. Colleen McDermott, our Disciple of the Week for the week of April 2! In her nomination, Mrs. Vicki Moylan stated, “I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize Colleen McDermott as Disciple of the Week. Colleen consistently keeps our faculty and students prepared to start... Read More
Congratulations to Bennet Krebs, our Student of the Week for the week of April 2! In his nomination, P.E. teacher Mr. Jim Stiebel stated, “Bennet not only demonstrates hard work and dedication during P.E., but also demonstrates a relentless effort to improve himself in his athletic offseason. More importantly, he... Read More
Congratulations to art teacher Mrs. Vicki Moylan, our Disciple of the Week for the week of March 26! In her nomination, Mrs. Tammy Carroll stated, “Many times each day, I’m blessed to catch brief glimpses of students engaged in various stages of creating amazing works of art. I often find myself wishing I could walk... Read More
Congratulations to Dennis Trickey, our Student of the Week for the week of March 26! In her nomination, theology teacher Mrs. KK Schneider stated, “I am pleased to select Dennis Trickey as our Student of the Week. Dennis does an excellent job serving as president of our St. Vincent de... Read More
The administration and faculty are pleased to announce the Students of Quarter for the third quarter. Please join us in congratulating these students and their families! Senior Reese Bradford is the son of Rich and Joan Bradford of Albers. Throughout his academic career, Reese has enrolled... Read More
Please join us in congratulating our students who earned recognition on the 2017-2018 Third Quarter Honor Roll! Their dedication to achieving academic success has certainly paid off!
Seniors Kinsey Stockmann, Steven Lipski, Katya Hoffmann, Nathan Perkes and Malina Isaak are pictured participating in the “Green & Jeans Day” sponsored by our St. Vincent de Paul Society, which raised $725 for St. Patrick Center in St. Louis. For a $5 donation, students, faculty, and staff enjoyed wearing a... Read More
Scholar Knights Nick Toennies, John Hund, Ben Logullo, Mai Khuc, and Drew Potthast are pictured at the IHSA Class 2A State Tournament March 16. Ben Wilke, Anna Klostermann, and Valerie Hund also contributed on the day.Facing their toughest competition of the season, the Scholar Knights’ season ended at the IHSA... Read More
Congratulations to school counselor and psychology teacher Mrs. Tammy Carroll, our Disciple of the Week for the week of March 19! In his nomination, Mr. Scott Timmermann stated, “From her window painting crews to the frowns that she turns upside down with her encouragement and praise, Mrs. Carroll’s presence can... Read More
Congratulations to Matthew Fuehne, our Student of the Week for the week of March 19! In her nomination, mathematics teacher Ms. Cheryl Sackett stated, “Matthew approaches Algebra II & Trigonometry with a positive attitude, no matter how challenging the material; contributes constructively to class discussions; works well with other students, generously... Read More